Friday 20 June 2014

I have moved

I have moved! To another blog called Oxford, Paris and other things

Hope to see you there


Wednesday 24 July 2013

last day

Today I went to the beach,  bit of a head ache due to bad management of vodka orange. I was supposed to meet some other poets at City Light but my day has been too tiring.  I stupidly assumed that you could find food near the beach.  So between 11 am and 7 pm I didn't eat,  and I swam. Just once. Of course I got pestered. Find it quite difficult to quite relax. Got pestered yesterday too. Hm... 
I had a Hitchcock moment of course,  being near the bridge... Vertigo. It was a bit of a trek going there and I had to trespass but it had to be done! And I got some help from an inner city kid from LA. Very happy about that. Meeting young hyppies on the beach was fun too.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

in the Mission district


Meeting another photograph this afternoon.  We will to to the Mission for a walk.  Should be nice. Will try now to go to a museum of native Indian art if there is one.  Then, if I find the time,  back to Oakland for the museum there.
Intrigued (and horrified) at the difference in fees from one university to another. Stanford,  Harvard. Do they make you pay the price so that you think you're at Oxford or Cambridge? (and we are already so expensive I think! )


Above politeness
Above good and evil
In your bubble limousines
You surf the streets
Surf the streets
Us in apps for sale.
Drink, oh drink babe,
NSA is good for you!

Monday 22 July 2013

Vu dans le métro
